

Let’s Go Fast.

Our mission is to build community through BIKES. Come hang out with us under the ABUS tent at all of our team races. Experience how exciting bike races can be.

Meet the Squad

Meet the women and men of AUTOMATIC. Spread from coast to coast, learn which racers may show up to your local crit or group ride.


WE empower Athletes to achieve their cycling goals. Through hard work and supportive competition, we will win. #DoWell



Training should be affordable.

The Automatic Training Club provides access to a supportive  community where members encourage and inspire each other, share knowledge, and celebrate each other's achievements.

Our Training community is key to your success.

The ATC prioritizes affordability to ensure that cost is not a barrier to joining and succeeding in cycling through high quality coaching.

Do it together.

Do it together.

meet the founders

Meet Tom and Dodge.

They are the co-founders of AUTOMATIC | ABUS RACING. 
They founded AUTOMATIC with the intention of making a rider focused team.
They encourage community and team strength through athlete-focused team management and design. All of AUTOMATIC rare provided with 100% free coaching through the Automatic coaching system. 

It's AUTOMatic

It's AUTOMatic

Developing STRENGTH and BUILDING community through supporting more people on bikes  #dogood